Location: South East Corner of 12th and Patterson, Grand Junction Colorado
Goldberg Properties Entity:
Style of Project: City Market (Kroger) grocery anchored neighborhood shopping center
Size: 85,000 sqft
Total Project Cost: $4,000,000.00
Land Area: 8.29 Acres
Substantial Completion: 1st Quarter 2009
Description: The property is owned by the Dillon Companies, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kroger. Kroger has asked Goldberg to undertake the entitlement of the project as they have had difficulty in reaching entitlement on three past occasions.
The site, at the Southeast corner of 12th & Patterson, was a very good in-fill property that has sat vacant for a number of years.
Goldberg acted as developer for the project and developed two pads and 15,900 sqft of in-line shadow retail space. Kroger self-developed their Grocery Store. Goldberg purchased its land from Dillon once the project was fully entitled. The project had a typical Easement and Covenant agreement.
We developed and now own the 15,900 square feet of in-line space.